“Doing what you love is freedom”
[row custom_class=””][col-md-6][dropcap custom_class=”normal”]Just a regular dude documenting his life. Everything from the places and food I eat to the destinations I travel to. What I consider fashion and style from my perspective. Come join me on my adventure.[/dropcap][/col-md-6][col-md-6]Life is short and I plan on making the most of it! Live, Love, Laugh as they say. You don’t have to be rich to enjoy life, maybe my escapades can help you realize that. Now get out there and live your life![/col-md-6][/row][spacer]
My skills
[row custom_class=””][col-md-4][skills value=”67″ size=”180″ bgcolor=”#f2f2f2″ fgcolor=”#000000″ donutwidth=”2″ title=”Coffee Brewing” font=”Gossip” fontsize=”30px” fontstyle=”” custom_class=””][/skills][/col-md-4][col-md-4][skills value=”97″ size=”180″ bgcolor=”#f2f2f2″ fgcolor=”#000000″ donutwidth=”2″ title=”Creativity” font=”Gossip” fontsize=”30px” fontstyle=”” custom_class=””][/skills][/col-md-4][col-md-4][skills value=”86″ size=”180″ bgcolor=”#f2f2f2″ fgcolor=”#000000″ donutwidth=”2″ title=”Picture Taking” font=”Gossip” fontsize=”30px” fontstyle=”” custom_class=””][/skills][/col-md-4][/row][spacer]